Sunday, October 6, 2013

Hallmarks of a Differentiated Classroom

When I first heard/read about the hallmarks of a differentiated classroom, I was a little confused about them. It sounded important, but that's about all I understood. Now that we have discussed them more fully in class, I LOVE the hallmarks! They are the blueprint to a differentiated classroom. They are eight, very important goals a teacher should strive for. To help us remember these hallmarks, our teacher split us up into different groups, and then we presented them using cute and clever analogies. To help me remember them even more, I am going to record them in this here blog.

Hallmark numero uno: A strong link between Assessment and Instruction. (This was my group's hallmark.)
We created a giant paper chain, beginning with assessment and ending with instruction. Members of our class helped bring up different links to link the two together. The links included phrases such as: continually assess, ensure progression, and inseparably connected. Once all of our links were attached, we added aluminum foil to our assessment and instruction links. Why? Because when they are linked together, they both become stronger. And who doesn't want that? Also, it doesn't matter what order the chain is in, just as long as it is linked together.

Hallmark numero dos: Absolute [teacher] clarity about what the teacher wants the students to know, understand, and be able to do-about what is truly important to learn in this unit. 
For this one, the group put a small piece of text under the doc camera and there was no way we could read it. They started brainstorming ideas out loud of how they could make it clearer. They tried highlighting it, and that didn't work. Finally, they pulled out a magnifying glass which made it a lot clearer. The magnifying glass represents focusing on the essentials. Then our teacher added, that if they had memorized the text, it would have been even better. Hallmark number two is all about the teacher being clear. So think of the magnifying glass zooming in on the teacher, making him or her more clear.

Hallmark numero tres. Shared responsibility for the classroom is between teacher and students, in the goal of making it work for everyone. 
This presentation was one of my favorites! It was all about A Bug's Life and how the Queen may seem like she is the one in charge, but really, she can't do it alone. Everybody needs to work together and everybody learns from everybody.  Every member of the colony is important. Our teacher emphasized that in order for number 3 to be a success, then number 2 needs to be a success. In other words, the teacher needs to be clear, before everybody can work together.

Hallmark numero cuatro. Individual growth is emphasized as central to classroom success. 
For this one, they brought in a bed of flowers. Each flower was different, but each is important. Each flower is important. Just because one is taking longer to bloom than another, doesn't mean it isn't as important. Student growth is not compared to other students, only to themselves.

Hallmark numero cinco. A "way up," usually through multiple and varied pathways, and never a "way out." 
This one was really cute! They made little airplanes and clouds and placed them on the white board. As they were trying to place the airplanes on the board, a couple of them kept slipping (which was not part of their plan). However, this ended up adding to their lesson because instead of just giving up and taking the airplanes off the board, they found other magnets to hold up the airplanes. They adjusted their plan to help each individual airplane. Some students can stay up all on their own, but seem need assistance. It is our job to find the right pathway. 

Hallmark numero seis. "Respectful" and engaging work for all students. 
This one was hilarious! They showed this really funny youtube video of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Their main point was that "just right" is different for everyone. The porridge represents what each students needs to take in. Some like it hot, some like it cold. Some like it in between. This Hallmark is all about being equitable, not equal. Each students gets what they need. 

Hallmark numero siete. Flexible Grouping. 
This was another one of my favorites. First they had us get into groups according to our shoe color. There were about 5 different groups and nobody was left alone. Then they had us get in groups according to the style of our shoe. I was left alone, because I was the only one wearing high heel wedges. Teachers need to be flexible with their grouping. Sometimes a student needs some one on one attention and sometimes you can do groups of 4 or 5. It all depends on the students and the objective. 

Hallmark numero ocho. Flexible use of time, space, and materials. 
For this one, they used tangrams. Each piece represents different materials used in the classroom and the picture is the objective or the goal. Sometimes you need a simple square, and sometimes you need something more complex. The teacher needs to be willing to switch up the time, space, and materials used in order to achieve the goal. At least that is how I understood it. The goal (or picture) should always come first. Then you can look to see what materials (pieces) you will need. 

All of these hallmarks are important. I'm still a little overwhelmed thinking about trying to become perfect at all of these, but my teacher said that you don't have to be. Veteran teachers still have a hard time getting all of these down. I think continually trying is the key. I can do that. :)


  1. You WILL be able to do these things! I am so impressed about how you restated each hallmark and found a visula representation for each! 3 pts.

  2. Leah, I love all the pictures you used. It is fun to look through your blog.

  3. I love your blog it is so cute. I like how you added pictures I didn't think about doing that. :)
